Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Wool Resource aka "Sheep"

Ok, so wheat is done.  What next?  Again by random choice of what foam got glued next is... sheep!

HO Scale Sheep
 Did you know you can buy miniature sheep, that just happen to be the perfect size for a 3D Model of Catan?  They were at the train model store, the same place I happened across my delightful wheat!  Apparently you can purchase many miniature animals and people - even miniature people caught in compromising situations! I'm still trying to figure out how I can work them into Settlers.  Alas, I don't think I can ... unless maybe they were in the desert. And the name of the scale? HO. Hilarious.

Anyways, the sheep come in 3 different positions.  Standing, laying, and eating grass.  The package came with 18 white sheep and 1 black sheep, so I'm going to average 4 white sheep per hex.  I'm also toying with the idea of using a sheep on the port hex.  Haven't quite figured that out yet.
Sheep with painted bases

So the only downside to my perfectly sized, little sheepies is that they come attached to white bases, presumably so that they don't fall over. That's great and all, but my hex is green, so they stand out a bit.  Fortunately I found some old acrylic paint I used at Christmas, and painted the bases a lovely Christmas green. I would recommend two coats to cover the base, as the white really wants to shine through.
Hot Glue Ponds & Streams
The sheep still stood out a bit, so I thought I'd add some grass for them to munch on. I took some grass shaped moss from my moss grab bag, and applied the same podgey technique used to stiffen the wheat.  Satisfied that it wouldn't immediately crumble, I also painted it the same Christmas green as the sheep's bases.

Well my sheep now have grass to eat, but nothing to drink.  Thinking my sheep would get thirsty, I made little ponds to place by the grass.  Do real shepherds have little ponds they take the sheep to?  I have no idea.  But my sheep would have water dammit! Using a hot glue gun on a non stick surface, I experimented with different shaped ponds and streams. After they (quickly) dried/cooled, I peeled them off and painted the bottoms blue. The end result?  I've got some sheep that are chilling and eating and my second resource done!
Completed Wool/Sheep hex with sheep, grass and water

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! You could put the people in compromising situations in the grass. They could be "shepherds"!
